Various Years | 250 gram (8.04 oz)11,309 oz sold (all years combined)Low Buy-Sell Spread. Blemish appearance is common on hand-poured products.
Various Years | 250 gram (8.04 oz)Low Buy-Sell Spread. Blemish appearance is common on hand-poured products.
These .999 Fine Silver Hand Poured Silver Buttons are specially made and designed in house by our Silver Bullion team of experts. Each button is unique in its shape and are individually made. If you like the distinctiveness of cast finished products, this is definitely something you should have!
Due to the manufacturing process which involves hand pouring, each button will have subtle differences and no two will be alike! On the top of the button lies the weight, purity and hallmark of Silver Bullion stamped while on the back it is blank showing unique irregularities which only occurs on hand poured silver bullion.
These hand poured silver buttons are perfect for those with intent to profit from price movements as the spread is as low as 7.5%. It also is ideal to be given as a gift or be made part of your collection of unique silver bullion buttons!
Points computation: 1 coin = 8.04 points